Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Baby Austin

We welcomed Austin Lee, Thursday August 2oth at 12:25pm. It was a scheduled induction...going past my due date was not fun, (even if it was just 3 days). Austin just needed a little help to get here!

Labor was way faster than I could have ever imagined, only about 2 hours. I was expecting to be in labor about 7 hours or so, since I was in labor with William for 14 hours. I almost had him natural...I received my epidural at 9cm, not by choice. I never planned to wait that long, it was only because my body progressed so quick. I felt mostly everything...definitely would not want to do that again!!

We are pretty much adjusted now, William is a great big brother. He loves to hold baby Austin, and love and kiss on him. He's only tried to pick him up once by his self, of course I panicked! As for our sweet little Austin, you couldn't ask for a better baby, I don't know how I got so lucky. I'm so thankful for my healthy beautiful boys.