Saturday, June 14, 2008

William's two year check up

William had his two year well check this past Thursday, and of course he looks good! His weight is in the 50th percentile, his height between 50th and 75th and his head circumference is just above 75th percentile. He had to get blood drawn, (standard procedure) to check his iron level and to check for lead. They checked for lead as a precaution because of all the toys that contained lead that were made in China. Oh, I almost forgot, he had to get one shot.
Now that Will is two he can enjoy peanut butter. He had his first PB&J sandwich on Friday, umm, soo good!!

Casey, don't fall off your chair, two posting's in less than a week! I know it's a little over the top!!


Casey Wallace said...

Yep, I had to take a minute to get back up off the floor. At this rate, I'm going to have to check your blog hourly... and you know I would, if only to see pictures of my nephew! I sure miss you guys and I CAN'T WAIT until we're all together on the beach next month!!!!!

Emmy said...

I'm speechless about his pics taken...ADORABLE!!